Today was my first time visiting an embroidery factory.
It was very impressive to see the ”behind the scene” with all of these automated machines working all at once in harmony.
It has definitely given me a new way of looking at embroidery, appreciating the technics, details and the work behind it.
The first day of my internship at G-TRY, I was a little bit nervous because I didn’t know exactly what to expect and how it was going to be. Probably because the Japanese culture is very different from what I am used to in Tahiti. Therefore, I was afraid of making mistakes, and on top of that there is the language barrier; to be able to understand others and to be understood.
However, from the very beginning everyone at the company made me feel comfortable.
Everyone is so polite and respectful of each other. The first week went by really fast, and the second one even more! You don’t have time to get bored at G-TRY! There are so many interesting things to learn about embroidery, designs, technics, trends…
My name is Yuriko Endo and I come from Tahiti, French Polynesia!
I’m studying International Trade and Business, and in order to complete my first year of study, I am going to do a 2-month internship in Japan!
To be given such an opportunity is amazing! I grew up in Tahiti, and I used to come to Japan since little to visit my family, but it has always been for a vacation purpose. This time is different, for two months I will discover a whole new aspect of the Japanese culture.
Through this blog, I’d like to share my experience day after day, going from the things that I liked, less liked, surprised me or even shocked me, so follow me! 🙂 🙂 🙂
@Narita Airport Papeete –>Tokyo ~~~12 hours of flight!